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Oct. 2, 2019

AOF:235 Kelly and Juliet Starrett of The Ready State.

AOF:235 Kelly and Juliet Starrett of The Ready State.
Kelly and Juliet Starrett are the power couple we had the chance to sit down with in Tahoe for another amazing interview. MobilityWOD is probably where you have heard of them as an industry leader in all things movement and mobility but they have a new mission to get people ready for life with The Ready State. We talk fitness, pain, movement for runners, eating disorders, and much more. Thanks to Spartan Media Fest and ATP Science for the chance to sit down with so many amazing people in Squaw Valley. Enjoy the show!

Spartan Trail: https://www.spartan.com/en/trail
Spartan Race: https://www.spartan.com/en
The Ready State: https://thereadystate.com/
Athlete On Fire: http://athleteonfire.com/
Becoming Ultra: http://becomingultra.com/
ATP Science: https://atpscience.com/